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Project management in logistics in Kazakhstan

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We need the services of an experienced company that can build a competent logistics chain for our company and engage in cargo transportation. We are launching a business in the steel industry and a lot of the cargo will be oversized.



Are you going to make some equipment already from the finished product or are you going to make slabs of steel? If slabs, they won't be huge enough to be classified as oversized cargo.



We will be making metal pipes, a wide diameter. The most important thing for us is that the products arrive to the customers on time, and the documents are fully prepared, because in the future we plan to enter the international market and sell such products abroad.



If you are so serious, then it is better to contact the company globalink logistics, they have experience in solving such problems that arise with you. You can apply for project logistics https://globalinklogistics.com/services … anagement/ to this company. They will completely manage the entire logistics chain instead of you. Properly prepare all the documents, as well as can deal with customs problems. When you get to the point of exporting products abroad.


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